Von SpookLuke

44 Gedanken zu „„I'm a mechanical Plat…“ ROCKET LEAGUE“
  1. Once i got stuck on plat i thought my mechanics and rotations were good in 3v3s or 2v2 but what got me out of plat is knowing when to challenge and having better rotations and consistancy in 3v3/2v2s if my teammate is a ball chaser i get pressured into defending :/ sometimes why i rank down

  2. Bro I arrived in high plat after coming back, used to be stuck in high gold, I got to diamond one 2v2's with a friend, all because all these plat's are missing such easy scores because they try to air dribble mid match without practicing first

  3. No.. cause see, I’m not mechanical at all and I’m in Diamond😂 Imagine If I actually was mechanical☠️ I’d be Champ at least I would say.. so yeah mechanical Plats aren’t real, mechanical Diamonds are tho.. but they’re Diamonds because they lack the understanding of a team game.

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