34 Gedanken zu „Bad Rocket League Advice Ep. 1“
  1. It is astounding how well you can destill abstract stuff into tangible rules better than anyone I ever seen on YouTube, awesome video, hope you get the appropriate view, ie viral if I could decide. 🙂

  2. I enjoyed this one Grif. Maybe you can do one on the unmentioned mechanics displayed in the plethora of “road to ssl” series out there. An example would be the simple explanation of when and why they switch ball cam on/off. Nearly every content creator doing these types of videos subconsciously switches ball cam on and off assuming the viewer 1. Understands it’s happening 2. Why it’s happening and 3. What influences the switch. Watch Flakes (or anyone else) explain how simple power slide cuts are the whole while demonstrating they switch camera views and never mention why it’s important or even acknowledge they did it.

  3. I want to show this video with my dad I'm playing with (~plat 1-2) but I'm already know he will be afraid by the huge amount of impressive moves we see in the video which are actually not related to the subject at all.
    So I'd suggest to not make fancy moves when talking about fondamentals, especially in the part where you show what to do in free play.
    Still, I want to show this video with people because those are great advices with good exemples, how to practice it etc.

  4. omg the amount of tm8s i get in d2-3 that get full control of the ball with space and just slam it over the field right to the opponent.. blegh. sometimes when i take full control of the ball to set up a play or pass, my tm8 gets impatient and hits it off my car away from me… ofc.. right to the opponent.. like.. this is why i abandon games 😆

  5. Man such a great video and you are a great creator man keep it up! I’ll be tuned in from here on out just from this one video. The fact that this doesn’t have 100k plus views already is crazy.

  6. Learning mechanics like air dribbles and flip resets hurt my gameplay at first because it made me neglect my fundamentals and I didn’t work on the game sense to even have the space to execute those kinds of plays in a game

    I played some 1v1 to help and had a friend coach me, some challenges he gave me that sucked to do but helped a ton were -> only allowed to do single jump challenges ~> not allowed to grab big boost -> not allowed to go under 15 boost

    My positioning and spacing immediately improved and when I let myself flip again and grab bigger boosts (when appropriate) I could now find the space and time to do some of the more advanced mechanics I had been practicing

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