Von Lethamyr

44 Gedanken zu „How to become a 1v1 MACHINE“
  1. i don't like the cuts in these 1s videos i would prefer if he didn't do them (the small ones when nothing is happening) it kind of ruins the flow of the video for me i recognize it's his normal editing style though

  2. wow what a surprise leth clickbaits again and just posts regular gameplay with a sensationalist title

    I love the 1s but come on man. It's just a 1s series. You're not even a 1s player how could this be construed as helpful for people looking for training?

    MORE people would watch this if you just marketed it as you getting into 1s again

  3. I'm only like plat 3, diamond 1 in 1s, and players make good catches, fast cuts, and I can't count the number of people sporting gc titles that show up in 1s at diamond 1. I am around champ 1 in other play lists for reference. So 1s at lower rank has a pretty huge range of skills all smashed into diamond and champ.

  4. Leth in 2020: Reverse sweeps FirstKiller in a 1s show match

    Firstkiller: Spends next year in therapy dealing with anger issues

    Leth in 2023: “I’ve never really considered myself a 1s player”

    FirstKiller: Contacts old therapist

  5. I want to see leth play competitive with gengar like camera
    Something like 110 400 200 -3 it sure would be interesting to see since leth adapt to everything so fast.

    I personally use 110 300 200 -12

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