26 Gedanken zu „Switch Has Been Hacked! Again. This Time for Full Homebrew Support“
  1. So emulation actually is legal as long as you purchase the game already. Your right. Running a switch emulator on a switch is bad. But running any switch game through an emulation layer is stupid. Performance would take a massive hot

  2. Just as a note, it's not "emulating" 3DS on 3DS — it's modifying part of the hardware to allow pirated copies of games to work. I also am all for conscientious emulation, and generally against piracy of current software, but I'm more lenient on software not being legally sold through primary channels (secondhand doesn't count) and especially if that software is for hardware that is not being legally sold through primary channels (again, not secondhand).

    Also, the hackers aren't going to stop just because they got it to work with Switch firmware 3.0 — they'll be improving as fast as they can to catch up. That in mind, I'll probably refrain from softmodding my Switch (once I get one) until it's totally stable through updates, or there are no more updates expected for the Switch firmware.

  3. I only buy consoles I can run back ups on.

    I got a ps vita when hakaku came alive, 2ds and wii u. Now its time for a switch and large sd card

    Meanwhile every game I own on PC is legal…..

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