rocketleague #Shorts. © Artikelquelle Beitrags-Navigation Come risolvere il problema You were removed from the match due to internet lag, VPN su FORTNITE #pc Epic Freestyle 1v1 !? #rocketleague #rlclip #rocketleaguefreestyle #1v1
c1 Seen gameplay like this enough to know better…you are too far removed from the play at the beginning but comfortable and fairly accurate with your aerials but not good enough to be c3. So c2 on your best days but probably consistently c1 Antworten
Diamond 2
Plat 3
Que gráficos ya ni la ps 5
Gold 3 that was a lucky shot
Plat 1
c1 Seen gameplay like this enough to know better…you are too far removed from the play at the beginning but comfortable and fairly accurate with your aerials but not good enough to be c3. So c2 on your best days but probably consistently c1
C1 i think
plat 2 div 3