Von SpookLuke

42 Gedanken zu „This Mechanic Is KILLING Your Warm Up“
  1. bro i think you take this shit too seriously like rocket league is supposed to be fun in the first place and all these mechanics make it fun, i only do air dribbles and ceiling shots in freeplay and i dont give a shit
    Freestyling just makes it much better

  2. i mean this is not really completely true, ofc it depends on the person but i’ve been doing air dribbles in warmups from like diamond and not much else and i’m now gc. so idk 🤷‍♂️ 😂

  3. I think one of the big difference to ranking up from champ to gc is making touches that are normally not normal for champs. Hitting double touches off side walls usually puts all of the opponents out of place

  4. Actually im a c 1 to c 2 Player and i dont Care about Ranking Up i Just wanna be mechanical in this game that is the only way i get my dopamine i dont need to get GC i Just wanna be able to Double Flip reset quiet consistent 😂

  5. I mean they are useful, especially in high level when you need to stall for time and bait out defenders. Thought spamming them and not knowing how to do other things is also a problem for people. I always had teammates who would just keep flying up to solo play and never pass when I’m wide open to their left and the nets open 🤦🏼‍♂️

  6. Nah, this is wrong. Perfecting and practicing any mechanic in rocket league will always help you rank up. Especially any kind of dribbling air/ground. Just because you like to practice doing those, DOESNT mean you can't practice just taking shots or anything else all of a sudden.

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