Von SpookLuke

47 Gedanken zu „„How Many Hours Does It Take To Learn Air Dribbles?““
  1. I really don't understand how people can learn mastering car control. Like i don't think it would ever matter how long i took practicing… there's just no chance for me.
    I have plenty of time and just can't figure out how to wall play or really any aerial car control lol.

  2. Hey, I just want to say two things:
    – great job on your videos, tips, and advice on general, I share almost all of them on my discord channel with my RL buds.
    – I’m happy to see you aren’t getting blinded by the sun in this one 😎

  3. I hit my first double reset with stall today, and that increase my consistency with getting reset, to be honest I want to do without stalls, I dont really understand, but, it help me a lot, and Im planning to use my knowledge to help others

  4. This guy is an egotist. Fairly narcissistic. Notice how he always wraps back around to himself. Always saying “i” “me” “mine” looking for admiration. Not looking to genuinely help.

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