Von Lethamyr

41 Gedanken zu „I teamed up with the NRG GOAT and we DOMINATED“
  1. I always wondered why pros when they play together dont record being on the mic together. Seems like it would add a little flavor to everyones videos if we got some coms or even if they just wanted to talk normally would be cool too

  2. For everyone commenting about the mmr loss after the first match, it’s just a bakkesmod error. Leth said he was on a losing streak before that win so it probably took that next game to update. One win and one loss generally leads to a small mmr decline at his rank making it seem like he straight up lost mmr from a win. (He replied to a comment somewhere about it)

  3. Nah it was good gameplay but sometimes when it was a 2v1 Garret was right on your side and you should pass and it would be a better chance but you just gave it away bcs you wanted to solo it into the goal

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