23 Gedanken zu „How to CARRY like a R1 ROGUE in SOLO SHUFFLE – Sub Rogue VOD Review“
  1. 100% can confirm CDR build is better. Hit 2114 3 weeks ago and i haven’t played the Flag build once. I will add though. if there is a MW in the lobby, just go him and you’ll go 3-3.. if there’s 2 you’ll go 5-1 worst case. takes like 3 goes and they’re outa there most of the time

  2. Best way to improve yourself in shuffle as any Class is: Buy a boost for 3s so you get mmr inflated in other brackets so you Can Play with people who will Not gain you random losses and press Buttons

  3. Can normal people actually get the 2set? It seems like kind of crazy luck to get 2 of the pieces for someone without PVE hookups into raid groups. Like, if I get the LFR drop is the ilvl too low? 415 ilvl vs 450ilv conquest seems a big drop.

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