Isaac Repentance von 0 auf 100 % modifiziert! Alle Mods, die du kennst und liebst, die jede Menge Inhalte enthalten, darunter Hunderte neuer …
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Isaac Repentance von 0 auf 100 % modifiziert! Alle Mods, die du kennst und liebst, die jede Menge Inhalte enthalten, darunter Hunderte neuer …
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Once again, turtles gonna hate me for this, but high effort Roblox games are actually pretty darn good. They don’t deserve all the scorn they get.
QotD: I think most people underrate exotic fruits. There are so many interesting flavors and etc out there but since they are weird looking fruits which people dont know immediately how to eat they tend to just ignore them and they cannot be sold for high prices. Like I always love going to specialtity markets and trying new fruits either in real form or in drink extract/nectar/etc. Like I would never even have known mangosteens existed they are these like little lychee type fruits which taste super good its hard to describe. There are a few good youtube channels which deal with exotic fruits but I would suggest Weird Explorer (the dude has like 500+ episodes each eating a different fruit/veggie on location (plus you get to see a bunch of cool things on how fruits are grown like how Pistachios are relatives to mangos and the fruit version looks like tiny mangos but with very little flesh) or another one called golden gully (he is mostly just random food stuff but every so often he youtube shorts on trying new fruits and etc).
New item idea: ipecock
Damage down to counter the explosion damage up, no tears down and the explosions don't hurt you or break rocks but can use bomb effects.
So you basically can use bomb effects like tear effects.
A cool minor synergy (I think the epiphany mod is the one with heart rupture) would be one between heart rupture and the demon bum friend. It would be kind of cool when your full on HP if the bum friend went out it its way to try and grab the heart rupture hearts like it doesnt have to be a big synergy like dont add extra speed or w.e. but the occasional heart going to him would be cool.
Tainted unbidden gameplay next? :3
Day 602 of not being able to keep a day # streak.
Hey, I just wanted to say I'm a huge fan of your content! I'm still trying to unlock everything for isaac, just beat mega satan last night, but you make the game look like a ton of fun! Thanks for all the content
The guy in the secret room will sell you the items that you have fed to the little Steven guys so you can trade a item and potentially get to get it back
That's why I try to never take diplopia unless I have an immediate plan for it I'm always waiting for the right moment to use it lol
27:42 if you can't shave it, and plucking is painful, then grab some manicure scissors and trim those hairs. They still needs to be in there, but, yeah, you can keep it length in controll