28 Gedanken zu „Super Nintendo Hidden Factoids – SNESdrunk“
  1. I like these kinds of video.
    I recently find out that coins in Super Mario Kart boost your speed. Never thought of that, because I first played MK64, and there are no coins to collect, so I figured they are just for points.

  2. Wow I had no idea the ????? mode in Metal Warriors could be opened up using a code. I only knew about having to beat the whole game without using any continues, and since it doesn't save, you would lose the mode after shutting the game off.
    As for what in the hell is going on there, I assume the people you see are supposed to be the Lucas Arts devs.

    Two fun factoids I learned recently, playing through Megaman X2 again:
    1. At the start of the fight with Serges, if you don't move out of the way when he throws off his cloak, it bonks you on the head and does 1 damage. Dafuq. I always dashed at him immediately so it never came up.
    2. Found this on GameFAQs and decided to do it: If you beat the game without any armour upgrades, Zero appears for a quick second during the credits. Subtle; if you blink you might miss it.

  3. Two more rare, hidden gem, random Nintendo facts that no one knows about:

    Super Mario Brosnan 2 is actually doki doki panic.

    Final fantasy 2 and 3 is actually Final Fantasy 4 and 6.

  4. I didn't know that about f-zero either, huh that would have been useful. I loved Brawl Brothers, my brother rented it from the family owned vid rental store in town and we were surprised how much fun we had with it, found skyblazer there too that's another jem

  5. My God, I'm left handed and there is NO way I could have played with a controller like that, maybe if you never played before,but we become so conditioned to adapt to the right handed world.

  6. Haha! I had no idea about Family Feud. That is, I just thought it was ‘glitchy’ when it showed answers I didnt actually type. It hasn’t aged particularly well, but it was great fun back in the day.

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