Von SpookLuke

48 Gedanken zu „Stop ROTATING Like THIS…ROCKET LEAGUE“
  1. Backpost is meta. It solves 90% of your problems everyone. Just try to avoid getting demoed while you sit and wait in net. Watch your own replays and catch yourself rotating into midfield.

  2. So, going through the middle doing a sharp left and a very tight u-turn is faster than just doing the whole left side u-turn? Really? Is anyone really getting better watching this guy? Why do I keep getting these YouTube suggestions?

  3. hey luke, just wanted to pop in and say hi and you're a little past the mark but congrats on 200k, just wanted to mention that because, you probably dot remember but, when you surpassed 100k i was like congrats but i made a typo and said 200k and you replied with not there yet and i just thought it was kinda funny and sentimental to me so yeah. Have a good day man!😄

  4. yes and no.
    It all depends on whats going on. The travel is a bit longer to do what you suggest. Plays and shots can happen in a blink of an eye. So the time it takes to go left then turn right to cover back post its possible your opponent shoots while you are rotating which in that case what he did would have been better. He just got a bad touch on it.

  5. This video is so missleading, just look at the comments. People that don't undesrtand the game will just think that rotating backpost is the only good type of goal positioning viable, when near post rotations in 2s are if not as important or more.

  6. The rotation wasn’t bad, if he did what u told him to do the ball would’ve been to close to the goal for him to try and do something, the only bad thing that happened here was him getting a bad touch on the ball.

  7. He should've gone for the right big boost, rotate to front post while blocking the ball from the front, bump away teammate who rotates, and let the opposing team score.

  8. Been tryna tell everyone that but they tell me "nobody knows what you mean bro" even in GC lobbies bro I'm not kidding bruh literally everyone's problem, that's what causes bumping teammates as well

  9. I've got a GC2 mate that thinks I should 'grow out' of rotating back post but every time we play I see him concede from ignoring it thinking he's GC because he's fast now and must push into every play quicker. I'm sticking to my guns I agree with spooke it's just common sense is much easier to defend stuff in front of you rather than above/behind you.

  10. So I have a question. Often when I go back post to defence I end up standing there for some time waiting for a ball to come. Now coming to a halt is often not good because you don't have the momentum then, so how should I rotate better so that I don't have to slow down so much

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