Von Hydramist

17 Gedanken zu „Have Blizzard misunderstood the Hardcore Classic WoW experience?“
  1. so removing the buff/debuff limit is fine because you think its stupid, however it makes the game easier. on the other hand dont like that people could group up to level because it makes it too easy? lol right….

  2. Your idea about the PvP-oriented HC realm sounds a lot like Ascension WoW's private server and their "high risk" system. Generally what they do is, if you have High Risk turned on you can fight people and if you kill them you'd get experience, a chunk of gold, and their loot. It truly made the server unique and PvP was so much fun.

    It does, however, open up other issues on its own, like a few players griefing solo players, etc. Ascension countered that by adding a combat debuff, which would apply every time you enter combat with someone. Both people get it and within that time you cannot be attacked by a 3rd player.

    All and all, that'd be super fun

  3. The pvp idea you are talking about would be like in South Park where one player or one group of players are gatekeeping the higher levels by killing any low level players, not letting them getting any xp, to have a chance to fight back. Even if you would have a level limit for attacking anyone (so a lvl 60 player would be only able to attack at least a lvl 55 one), it would be still be about groups of level 60 players hunting for level 55 players, so noone can threaten them.

  4. I find that for the 1st proposal of hardcore (not hardmore) servers bli² have found a fair midle to attract the "kazus" who find that leveling in hardmode is too antisocial (solo outside dunjon, no trade, no ah). Without it totally repelling hardmode players.

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