40 Gedanken zu „UPDATED BEST SPECS to MAIN for PvP in 10.1! – DRAGONFLIGHT SEASON 2“
  1. Yall have weir opinions on the meta, Fury barely got touched and will clearly still be stronger the DH, DH is weak as shit right now. And wtf no Spriest as a ranged pick for pre tuning or after tuning? Warlock one of the weakest classes right now in pvp. Yall high as shit

  2. Sucks that Assassin has been nerfed into the ground…in Season 1. And giving their terrible performance in Season 2, nothing has been reverted. Irritating, and really tells us the Devs don't play the game.

  3. Lol dh a solid pick? Bruh…. try play dh u flop in one stun instantly. You cant compare a class to mvq, tren etc. Even in caster meta u get owned with the stupid 10 percent less magical damage

  4. What i did not expect what the nerf to lava lash with the nerf to catalyst and the nerf to elemental wolves. I saw the physhcal build nerf coming from the day it was born but the nerf too ele build too? Feels wierd bc noone was complaining. Does anyone knows how does enha perfom now with both builds?

  5. Sooo glad they nerfed the 2 instant spells des locks can use because being trained by 2 melee and never being able to cast while trying your damn best to survive while never actually being able to get away for a break is so much fun.

  6. You guys need to stop making these toxic videos …. You are killing the community and the game… I know your trying to make your money from these kids to pay you … but doing this makes people listen to you regarding none sense and switch to FOTOM toons.

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