41 Gedanken zu „The Most OP Item In Elden Ring – How To Get The COMET AZUR – BEST GUIDE Comet Azur Sorcery Location“
  1. Thank you, the other guide I saw had a guy who tries to hard to sound like a wacky DJ and speeds up his video and get this his route was 10 times more dangerous than your route, Yours had me avoid bosses, his would've had me run right smack into two!

  2. I'm level 102 with 54 intellect but that's with the plus 6 mask, and plus 5 intellect talisman. Waiting to hit 60 so I can start using the comet asur and hopefully have my grand royal carian sceptor at a level where it's better than my meteorite which is still superior even though I have the royal one at level 9. Seriously what level will this royal one surpass the meteorite staff. Both have S scaling for intelligence but the other scaling at my level with the meteorite is 2 hundred and something while even at level 9 it's only 60 with the royal one. Can someone explain why??

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