Von BeatEmUps

28 Gedanken zu „Das ENDE von Nintendo Switch ist ENDLICH da …“
  1. Naaa have no intention to get a ps5 so the Q is no use to me. By the end of the year I do plan to get a switch tho. Just have not got round to it 🙂 Plus I like to own my games not just rent them.

  2. Lol .After this many years that tablet U still looks as silly as when was announced. Project Q is gonna flop. Same was for the PSVR 2. I think is very expensive for a portable full of 'em mainly cheap chinese emus. Main flaw is absolutely unnecesary. But power seem decent. 1080p ,60 fps and 60 hz (for example the swicth is like 8 hz ,28 fps maximum for crappy games, maybe less and the darn thing is only 720p or less. lol)

  3. I think in a 100 years pc gona be replaced by things like steam desks and switches or something close or that gona be a another section from pc like xbox playstation nintendo pc and steam desks like things taht gona be like as powerfull as a pc now or more powerfull

  4. @BeatEmUps I’m sorry to tell you this,
    But Sony’s Project Q is gonna flop because I found out you can’t play PlayStation games on the go offline.

    The Switch and the Steam Deck and it’s competitors can let you play most games on the go offline,
    But the PlayStation Project Q won’t.

    I’m telling you this cause I’m trying to warn you.

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