35 Gedanken zu „PATCH 13.11 TIER LIST (Low Elo) – League of Legends Season 13“
  1. Welp, that's it. The 3rd time that this channel's been saying things that are obviously incorrect like "Yeah, Taric is an OP Engage Support (dude's got no innate gap-close, E+R is highly telegraphed and often misused by low elo allies)", "Tanks top OP except K'Sante, but try Cass in Low Elo Toplane too, totally not mechanically-demanding", and "Tristana's definitely a good pick in Mid in Low Elo (lane's filled with opposing assassins who will kill in 2 combos OR mages that outrange with skill-shots that also clear waves faster/have ways to counter her mobility). Unsubbed.

  2. pantheon rework is the worst rework in the game In terms of design and game play

    his design is bad It was designed to look like a god of war But it was so bad And he Doesn't it look like

    Champions from other MOBA games like mars from dota 2 and ares from smite He's worse than them

    but the old pantheon is butter then pantheon rework In terms of design Because its design is inspired by hoplite

    and pantheon rework game play is bad Because he dont have the poke ability and the diving ability like the old pantheon so yes the old pantheon is better then the pantheon rework

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