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Nehmen Sie hier an unserem RIOT POINTS-GEWINNSPIEL teil: Lernen Sie von Doublelift, Sneaky, CoreJJ mit …
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Nathan so ein süßer
this sion is from baus
Low elo varus is very OP how is he not in OP
veigar to statik shiv is really good rn
Put Shen in B tier because low elo players can’t play him right. (same with high elo)
Why do you not talk about nerfs and buffs for this patch?
Y'all used Baussffs' Sion gameplay.
Akali has been in d tier for years and they give her +10 dmg on q
Talon is very OP
9:55, repeated the same thing twice. Edit error or easter egg? You decide lol.
3:55 showed a clip of Tristana instead of Kha’Zix
i know that sion clip. lol Bff
If Katarina is A, Zed should be S, she's too high for low elo tier list
wu in S tier? yeah, no. he is the 37/45 lowest win rate jungler.
I have never seen a champ so gutted as Wu
Using a bausff clip for sion neat
How can rengar and draven be in C tier when he´s destroying with the new items?
Syndra literally best mid lane in the game
Ive been playing udyr top and he dominates easily, his only counter that i have seen is teemo and quinn i beleive he can be an A or S he isn't hard to play too so that is a plus
The first sion clip is from Bauffs. Just noticed
Guys, stop thinking these are the only “OP CHAMP” in the game. These tier lists are so fking bad. Just stick to a couple of champs and if youre good with it you will climb.
Love the editing, looks amazing
Where's Fizz?
6:53 Galeforce and IE both Mythics how is that recommended together? Are we playing the same game?
Why trynda is c 💀
Welp, that's it. The 3rd time that this channel's been saying things that are obviously incorrect like "Yeah, Taric is an OP Engage Support (dude's got no innate gap-close, E+R is highly telegraphed and often misused by low elo allies)", "Tanks top OP except K'Sante, but try Cass in Low Elo Toplane too, totally not mechanically-demanding", and "Tristana's definitely a good pick in Mid in Low Elo (lane's filled with opposing assassins who will kill in 2 combos OR mages that outrange with skill-shots that also clear waves faster/have ways to counter her mobility). Unsubbed.
as an aphelios main, please never put sona OP again. You're lying to yourself, and me.
Yone not on top lane is weird. He shreds tanks and outscales half the games he’s in since it’s low elo. Imo he’s A tier top lane
9:50 "Did you know People love to phase out and walk into brushes?" he said it twice to make it More clear xD
Cassio in low Elo Top S-Tier… This is a fucking joke
Seems like recently the tier list are wrong. For example how is jinx op with 49% wr?
still no top lane resuce patch adc alrady can build their items again and have a lot of nice options
Bruisers meanwhile 😢 build assasin and marksmen items
pantheon rework is the worst rework in the game In terms of design and game play
his design is bad It was designed to look like a god of war But it was so bad And he Doesn't it look like
Champions from other MOBA games like mars from dota 2 and ares from smite He's worse than them
but the old pantheon is butter then pantheon rework In terms of design Because its design is inspired by hoplite
and pantheon rework game play is bad Because he dont have the poke ability and the diving ability like the old pantheon so yes the old pantheon is better then the pantheon rework