Von SpookLuke

43 Gedanken zu „„Why Am I Stuck In Diamond?““
  1. Why would you want to learn bad habits just to get up one or two ranks? Gonna need to unlearn the mindless booming of the ball pretty soon anyways. It's not worth it to go up a few ranks this way imo.

  2. I finally got out of diamond. But it was only because my solo que teammates were able to play at the same speed as me, and consistently hit the ball, hard. The moment I started queuing with teammates who weren't fast to rotation, or able to hit the ball hard consistently, I felt like I was 1v2ing champ lobbies.

  3. I usually have nothing but good things to say about you Luke but this one is utter rubbish, if you make it to champ by bashing the ball around your a superhero. Learn how to control it as early as gold 3 I reckon

  4. here i got my friend yellin at me telling me that if i dont play solo q's illnever get better but hey im plat onky cuz i dont play much my friend is gc and i even got a ssl friend and i cam handle both of em without any nech

  5. This is why they are hard stuck…see ball..hit ball to moon…doesn't matter if the whole defense leaves the pitch….gotta boom it as hard as possible…doesn't matter if the 3rd man has a nice setup rolling to him…let me cut his ass off and hit it off the wall perfectly to the defense open net…

  6. It's actually true tho xd i'm a gc1, but back when i was still diamond, i could do some mechanics like flip resets and breezi flicks. Guess what? Useless asf back then lol. You won't rank with mechanics, surely not coming from Diamond.

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