21 Gedanken zu „Back from PAX South – Building new PC for PoE“
  1. not gonna lie, the default thumbnail looked so shit I had to just keep it

    TLDW – Building a new PC it's gonna be beast. Should return to PoE in about 2 weeks will be variety streaming wc3, they are billions and maybe some browser games till next pc is built. PAX was okay this year, didn't enjoy it too much personally.
    Clothes = https://tinyurl.com/y82sj6rd

  2. Hey Pohx what monitor do you use for gaming? If you dont have a 144 herz monitor, get it. It will make things run a LOT smoother with a 1080 ti. You´ll get like 200 to 400 fps in poe with a 1080 ti, you really dont wanna waste these frames on a basic 60 herz monitor. Im posting this just in case you dont know about it, but you probably already know that.

  3. Get Omega Halo fans for crazy lightning. Got 12 of them, looks insane <3 And DO NOT use the fans that come with the water cooling system. They are loud as hell. I changed them aswell i have the exact same cooling system.

  4. PC up and running in TWO WEEKS who the fuck is building your computer dude it would take me 1h (+20m for Windows I guess) and I'm not even close to being a pro

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