Von Lethamyr

22 Gedanken zu „Rocket League with FALLING METEORS is EXTREMELY INTENSE!“
  1. Leth, idea: 2v2 Tag team matches. Over the 5 minutes while you are playing, your maximum speed decreases from 100% to like 60%. There are 6 people in the match, but 4 on the pitch. A player can strategically decide to 'tag' out, to let someone with a fresh max speed jump in. This opens up a strategic component of trying to keep the team evenly rotated in speed capacity vs waiting to tag a player with full speed until later when everyone else is slower.

  2. Love this map idea, these are really cool. I'd love to see a version where the meteors are way smaller (like ball-sized or less?) but go like 50x faster so they're almost impossible to predict/dodge and you're just getting killed out of nowhere. Absolute chaos and fear haha

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