Von SpookLuke

26 Gedanken zu „Why 90% Of Players CAN'T Speed Flip“
  1. I have the most statistically optimized key binds for rocket league

    jump: right stick press down.
    Boost: left bumper
    Powerslide: right bumper
    Ball cam: Y
    Rear looking camera: A
    Air roll right: right stick
    Air roll left: right stick
    Scoreboard: left stick press down

  2. Controllers DeadZone and Dodge Deadzone…

    Lets talk about those in speedflips.

    I changed mine and im gettin better.

    On Mustys Pack i hit it on the first shot but sparked my hood on floor. But chnaging those controllers i mentioned above tremendously helped.

  3. Honestly we need a SLOOOOOWWW MO tutorial with ALMOST F R A M E by F R A M E explanation.

    Example. "…by the time your car.s flip animation is facing this way THATS when you pull down and (slowmo animation continues) HERE when your car.s wheels are almost about to touch the ground, thats where you Tap/press airroll.

    Other example "…if your cars flip is lookin like this (shows slow mo animation n pix) you are on the right path" just an example

  4. I cant cancel. And I'm never gonna be able to aerial either. I might be able to learn how to drift when I land. And I doubt I'll ever be able to wave dash. Hopefully I learn how to aim a shot on an open net soon.

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