Von Lethamyr

23 Gedanken zu „Rocket League, but every time you score the FIELD GETS THINNER“
  1. that noise with the mouth in 1:41 is so offensive in my country that it can declare war between two people.
    when i heard it in the video i was like how it is in the video like that.
    it's like motherfxcker and even worse.
    I'm from egypt btw

  2. I don't know if this is possible but I would love to see a "boost starve" version of Rocket League. I struggle with boost management so a cool game mode would be to have you blow up if you hit zero boost. It could have a timer that would allow you a few seconds to get boost or you are blown up. Maybe it starts at 3 seconds or something. Or it's random time between zero and blowing up. Would make it interesting I think.

  3. I think it would be cool if rocket league had different field dimensions. Football (soccer) and baseball both have different dimensions on their pitches/fields. I think it would be cool if there was some uniqueness to a team to having their own home field advantage. Imagine an NRG field or a Gen G field and the field dimensions have to be in a set parameters but can vary from team to team. That would make the game more interesting to me. Not that it's not already but would change it up a bit.

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