Von Lethamyr

  1. Leth, as a fellow 1 stiffness player (not many of us), I recently switched to .45 as it's the average of all players on liquipedia.
    To be honest, it feels really nice… when's the last time you tried changing from 1?
    Also Zurx been offline on steam for a long time, hope the mans OK

  2. 14:20 Rumble Main Dashie here!

    The reason JG's magnet didn't count is because his magnet had already previously been attached to the ball, so it wont count it coming back as another "ball touch" which is why it stayed with Guh and not JG. The only reason you dont see this happen more often is, as you see throughout the video, the exception to this rule is car touch superiority! No matter the order of magnets, if a car touches the ball after all magnets have been activated, the possession will stay with that person that touched the ball afterwards, even if the trail changes color again. Once a magnet ENDS, the possession will switch to the FIRST magnet to get within range AFTER the fact! Going along with this, it also takes around half a second of the magnet being attached for it to actually count as a ball touch, which is another reason why JG's "didn't count"

    There are ways around these general rules, however, this is the most likely case for what happened!

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