30 Gedanken zu „BEST SOLO CARRY Classes for EVERY ROLE in PATCH 10.0.7!“
  1. From all people, you? Hating ret? Why you never said DH immortal Gods with unhealable damage???! Never? Even the ladder was over 60% representation??!!
    Did you ever consider to watch the rankings systems? How many rets were past 2200 in 2s or rbg? Like literally 0! Healing is nerfed, they don’t have MS effect, and they had the biggest downtime in the wow history.
    We are getting mas on Blizzard for doing things wrong, but in the end, we, the players, are destroying this game, crying for every good thing that is happening..

  2. everyone used to ret being bad that when he is on par with metas everyone isnlike ret is op?
    Are they not killable by meta classes? If yes then they are not op or over buffed, simply are new meta class.

  3. Hunters are still by far the worst spec that is ruining matches. They can sit in stealth, never trap, hide behind gravestones and then still blow you up in the opener and kite you all day. Stealth classes that just wait for you to be the kill target are making things miserable

  4. imagine talking about stack modifiers as Arms warrior while all got nerfed by 50% and no one plays crit build with spear like wtf man. Warrior is a wet noodle not a SOLO CARRY never was to be honest. Arms is currently like a top A tier spec in arena its not broken its good atm doing okay damage and low on survalibility still but who cares at least is viable still and playable after nerfs.

  5. hearing the commentary "every other dps can do burst, war can one shot lining up etc" but when its ret "they will be nerfed so pick something else" these pvp delusional tards are okay when other dps can clap and kill people fast but moment ret get any love the whole community hate them, wow has to be the worst community and i thought ffxiv was bad

  6. Another fun way to run resto sham is to take lava surge and keep flame shock up on targets and instant cast lava bursts when it procs, don't sleep on the new chain heal changes either.

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