Von Lethamyr

  1. When I try and connect to my friends, I get host unreachable, although we disabled the firewall on both sides. and we are on the same network on Hamachi, Anyone had this issue?
    I have also disabled windows fire wall.

  2. Okay, so everything works until I got to launch game (5:35) and it gives the error message but then just crashes the game and I have to try and re-launch, but with the same results. I then tried putting the names back, as I read the plugin updated and i no longer need to change the file names. but now there isnt even a message, the game just goes from "running" back to "launch" after a moment, no windows or errors. any Help?

  3. How would you go about undoing all of this besides uninstalling/reinstalling the game? I stopped using the custom maps and now it's becoming a hindrance since it causes issues on startup for RL…

  4. bro ive given up on custom maps, ive done the downloads files extract and everything, from RL bakkesmod and your website and nothing is working, "couldnt detect underpass file", "map wont work because the file isnt extracted" wtf even is that shit, nothing is working

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