Von Esfand

25 Gedanken zu „Esfand tries Diablo 2: Ressurected, but Mcconnell ruins it“
  1. I played barb as a kid. I had no idea what the f*ck i was doing either, lmfao. I got this one weapon that allowed me to get a lot of health back per hit, so i just used that and did spin to win.

  2. Wow has a lot of good lore what you talking about Esfand ?
    Lich king?
    Thralls story?
    Medivh ?
    Kadgarth ?
    Anduin Lothar's story ?

    Starcraft only have one bitch to follow ! Sorry jk haha

  3. Tips for new players who want to play Sorc: No points in energy needed. Grab the strength you need for max gear then dump the rest in vitality. Put a few points into Warmth early and don't be shy to aa.

  4. I gotta be honest, and this isn't a shots fired… idk who Esfand is. But – does this guy play games or what is his stream about? I can't wrap my mind around his inventory management, or lack of.

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