my cousin is like gold or something (I dont think he can even arial) and after showing him and a few minutes, he got the idea. I saw him do it once or twice as well. he's not consistent by any means, but yeah, as soon as possible, learn speed flips
Honestly, I don't think it is too important to know how to speedflip. Reading the oponent kick off is way more important.
I see too many people learning speedflips and just sending the car straight to the ball without thinking. I think you can get to gc without learning speedflips if you know how to read a vary the kickoffs
Is there an easy way to speed flip on keyboard? I fluctuate between d3 and c1 and honestly I need to speed flip and understand how but just not getting there lol
C1 here and learned the importance of speedflips from getting absolutely cooked on kickoffs in high plat-low diamond every 50ish matches. idk if the player base is getting significantly better or smurfs or what. regardless, earlier the better (took forever to get it down and i still botch them at random)
I know this is a lot to ask for but can you look at my channel and tell me if I’m good for my rank I’m only silver but people thing that I should be gold or plat
I'm diamond almost champ, and I still cannot do speed flips, flip resets, air dribbles, hell I can barely ground dribble. I make due with strong base game. Good defense. Good passing.
Realistically plat
Lies! Border line GC without speed flip
I'm in gold and many players already speed flip 💀
my cousin is like gold or something (I dont think he can even arial) and after showing him and a few minutes, he got the idea. I saw him do it once or twice as well. he's not consistent by any means, but yeah, as soon as possible, learn speed flips
Honestly, I don't think it is too important to know how to speedflip. Reading the oponent kick off is way more important.
I see too many people learning speedflips and just sending the car straight to the ball without thinking. I think you can get to gc without learning speedflips if you know how to read a vary the kickoffs
Is there an easy way to speed flip on keyboard? I fluctuate between d3 and c1 and honestly I need to speed flip and understand how but just not getting there lol
Im C2 and I just started learning those 😅
im c2 and i just drive straight on my kickoff
I'm in play and speed flips helped me get here
Just skipped over diamond😂
Me as a gold practicing speed flips: Oh 😅
I would say as soon as you sit down and want to learn a mechanic speed flips should be one of the first ones you learn
i know how to do the motion but how do you incorporate it into kickoffs
I learned in gold
What is the fastest way to learn flicks
What about half flips and basic aerial (not spinning car)? I learned them about as soon as I saw and heard of them now I can half flip in silver!
I know it might be a waste of time but I really try to get them down rn. I'm plat, almost diamond.
Gettin after em
I accidentally do speed flips all the time
C1 2v2 n 3v3, still can't but I have tried learning and not really worried about it until it becomes a problem
C1 here and learned the importance of speedflips from getting absolutely cooked on kickoffs in high plat-low diamond every 50ish matches. idk if the player base is getting significantly better or smurfs or what. regardless, earlier the better (took forever to get it down and i still botch them at random)
On kickoff whenever i use the speedflip, I'm unable to do the second flip, so even though I reach first, the ball always goes on our side.. . . .
I know this is a lot to ask for but can you look at my channel and tell me if I’m good for my rank I’m only silver but people thing that I should be gold or plat
I started learning it in gold and mastered it in plat
I can speed flip and I’m gold
I'm diamond almost champ, and I still cannot do speed flips, flip resets, air dribbles, hell I can barely ground dribble. I make due with strong base game. Good defense. Good passing.
I'm diamond and speed flip
What’s your decal called?
I don't agree with this speedflips are a gc or more gc2+ skill. waste of time to do it early
I just turned plat in doubles and I use them in game but not kick off yet because I don't want to lose for my team
Speed flips are the new half flip. Once you've got the half flip down do the speed flip.
I learned speed flip jn plat and it was the best thing to propel my 1s rank up i always beat everyone to the ball and got free open nets
Im gc in 2s and 3s and cant do them. Theyre not as necessary in these as they are in 1s, but speed flips will help you in all game modes for sure