22 Gedanken zu „Best Friends Play Devil May Cry HD (Part 5)“
  1. for a second I thought woolie was talking about subtitles/closed captioning for the hard of hearing/deaf but then I realised he was talking weeb shit. honestly the fact that english speaking countries are the only ones who do not dub anything but cartoons pisses me off. I'll watch a subtitled foriegn movie in theaters, and I'll use subtitles for english media, but dubs are just more humane for people with audio processing issues that make reading difficult when unrelated sound is happening. normalise foriegn movie dubbing!

  2. For some reason I'm totally fine with subtitled shows, but have a distinct aversion to subtitled movies. For games too, but that one I feel makes a lot more sense. The dialogue in games is a much more passive part of the experience, and since a lot of smaller lines usually aren't subtitled (fighting games especially) I feel like I miss a lot. Exception to that is something like Xenoblade, where combat is such a mess of repetitive voice lines that I'd rather it's all just noise.

  3. Also it's a little scary what gets lost to the mists of time. I don't remember the vast majority of this game. I played it when it came out and I know I finished it, bc I remember the dumb bit at the end. Despite the bad swimmy bits, I like the weird ghost ship setting here.

  4. The underwater section, the worst? Nah. I mean, it's pretty bad, yeah, but I still think Death Scissor is worse. In a game where you avoid damage by moving, taking away your ability to move effectively and also giving a mid-boss wide, sweeping attacks is the hottest kind of garbage. The underwater sections suck, especially on your first run where you aren't familiar with the controls (I got real stuck because the tutorial is kinda nonsense and I had trouble figuring out how to go forwards), and I will not defend them. But I think Death Scissor is worse.

  5. It’s funny hearing them worry about DMC5 being bad after watching the DMC5 playrhrough like : “how is it going to live up to people’s expectations?”
    “It MAX ACTED everyone’s expectations!!!”

  6. The pronunciation of Irfit like most fictional names problably has multiple pronunciations.

    That being said near the beginning of FFXII Bathier is on the roof of the castle that’s being attacked by an airship, looks up at the airship and says, “Ah, the Ifrit.” He says it there like Ee-freet.

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