Von SpookLuke

31 Gedanken zu „„When should I learn air roll?“ | ROCKET LEAGUE“
  1. I started in gold and very early plat and I practiced it every day. For y’all doubting yourself, I did at too first and I thought I would never learn it. I was wrong. Y’all just gotta realize it takes time and I don’t regret a single second of it.

  2. i use air roll right and air roll do i need to switch to air roll right and air roll left?
    I use air roll right for controlled touches in the air and general air related shots and i use normal air roll for small corrections and little things

  3. I wouldn't call directional air roll a mechanic though… Otherwise I could say that steering is most important, but that's too general. It's part of your car control skills. But that doesn't take away from the fact that directional air roll is really important.

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