Von Umu

8 Gedanken zu „Der Investitionsplan von Alpha Investments ist fehlerhaft | $0 bis Sie verkaufen“
  1. Very based video. Though not sure what Weiss did to you in the last few days lol. Weiss is a great game to play and enjoy the waifus. I really really wish it wasn't treated like an investment. All that has done is brought a lot of ugliness to the community that we didn't want.

  2. First there needs to be a buyer to give anything value. Without people who are actually play the game in any numbers the cards are worth less then the retail price. There have been CCGs where the manufacturers have offered the game by the pallet just to get rid of stock. On the Edge CCG comes to mind where you can still buy 25+ year old boxes of it for $20 a box.

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