38 Gedanken zu „The EASIEST Classes to KILL in Solo Shuffle! | Dragonflight PvP Guide“
  1. You should really adjust the price. 20 USD a month when most of the content for WoW is here on yt…Bring back the 5 USD sub and make it WoW only. I don't play the other games, so you can charge those players whatever it's worth but currently WoW arena content doesn't justify the cost for the entire package.

    That said, this video is great and so is the content as usual.

  2. sry but since this release evoker is unplayable. At 1k shuffle rating people just train evoker down while healer is figuring out what to press against heavy cd usage. Thanks for letting warrior and dh players know which target to chose. We love it 👀

  3. Was pretty spot on until I saw lock put in squishy. We must not be playing the same fucking game. They take less damage then melee and can outheal most people by spamming lifesteal even when they aren't afflic. This is straight up lock propaganda to avoid a nerf..

  4. As a lock, main I feel you missed the mark on the lock specs. You say demo is tankier than aff and destro, because it has soul link. Destro is also played with soul link. Yet destro is way easier to target and kill in solo shuffle. But why is that?

    I do think the placements are accurate, but for different reasons. Demo is so much harder to kill from my experience, because of the pet stun. You can assist your own survival so much, by just saving axe toss stun for moments when you get stunned for an enemy's kill attempt. Another asset for demo that makes it a less appealing target, is how it can do okay-ish sustain pressure just by casting dogs and putting up dooms. I spend most of my game just fearing and cursing the enemy, and if I get kicked on fear, I then can cast shadowflame school like hand of guldan and demonbolt. This just makes it that much harder for the enemies to line up a proper kill window.
    Also, it means that if they are not managing to kill me, they are not really stopping me from doing my job. Demo is not like destro and affliction in terms of the role you have. Destro and affliction have to hard cast and spend a lot of globals to min-max their damage. Their role is to mostly just do raw damage. You can focus down a destro/aff lock, and win by attrition as dampening ruins their defensives, and they still can't cast.
    However, demo mostly focuses around having a huge CC toolkit, a mortal wounds debuff, and mediocre burst. If you can just live and keep your pet alive, you can do your job even under heavy enemy tunneling. Even when trained by 2 melee, you can still use your toolkit to cross cc the entire enemy team while your team's other dps pops his burst. You can still get off nether portal and/or tyrant behind a pillar, to assist in pressure.

    TLDR: The difference between a focused demo lock and a freecasting demo lock, is not too huge. But the difference between a focused aff/destro, and a freecasting one, is huge. So u win a game by training aff/destro just by stopping them from playing and making the game a 2,5 vs 3. If you attempt the same against a good demo lock, he can still perform his role.

  5. Not even mentioning hunters? If you can wait for turtle to end, you just root them and blow your load on them and they die. Really good ones can effectively kite for quite a while, but even still, if you catch them they die.

  6. I've been looking this video for years. For the first time ever I start to understand target selection. Very nice. =)
    Now I'll have to try to code a "target recommendation" weak aura, since there's zero chance I remember all this in an actual fight.

  7. You reasoning on hybrids being less killable because of their self-healing options is so flawed it's embarrassing. If an ele shaman spams healing surge (somehow not getting kicked lmfao) you will oom at about 220-250k healing. A warlock gets way more value from dark pact alone, an instant cast ability. Furthermore, they have soul leech which provides just as much healing as earth shield (When spec'd into stronger earth shield) with no need to re-cast it after 10 hits. Also, healthstone is another 100k+ instant heal, they have gate AND port, plus drain life which does LOADS of healing if need-be. It's actually so scuffed that it draws the question of whether or not Skill Capped is even playing this game anymore?!

  8. Another thing that's horribly scuffed about the logic in this video, you gave the example of ele devo on a team and say you should focus the devo. How about no? An ele shaman has great peels for their team. Root totem, static totem, earth shock>frost shock roots. They have off-heals, and if left alone will be able to get hexes off and spam purge if need-be. I would never waste my time dumping on a devo if there's an ele on the enemy team, not even once.

  9. How about offering a $6.64/month trial that doesnt require you to pay there entire year to get that price? If you offered 3 months at the discounted price I would likely continue as a member paying full price but the way you tease the price makes me doubt your validity. Too bad.

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