1. I'll really have to meditate on what is being said here. I suppose fatal tunnel vision is one of my biggest problems. Been spending thousands of hours on pvp since vanilla and still more of less stuck at 1400-1600 depending on season. Let's see if I can finally do something about it. It seems no matter where I look, I'm always late.
    I guess that's why I don't drive a car anymore, because I'm so horrble at it. When in traffic, I need to take my sweet time in intersections just to understand where to drive next and people keep honking at me…

  2. Great comprehensive guide. One thing to note tho, is that i find it easier to have damage over time effect literally ON my targets, i find it easier to manage overall, but that's just me and my personal opinion, i don't like to look at frames, there are too much frame ( you, target, focus, wow frames, arena frames ).

  3. rated pvp os a jooke, people with 60k health in the 1400cr making it impossible to climb or even get gear on toons, blizzard needs to fix people just getting duelist gear then sitting in the lower brackets, something like gear scaling, pvp gear will scale down to the rank of rating you are now in, with you keeping you ilvl in normal pvp combat, but yeah having people in full duelist gear making it so you cant even get to 1600 there is no point in playing the game… i literally spent over 8 hours last night trying to get 1600 on my ilvl 230 disc priest, i got to 1599 four times and every single time got knocked down to 1500 because i would vs a chain of people with 20-30k more health than me, and this is the reason i quit wow, one simple thing you want to get done before bed turns into and impossible mission …

  4. 6:00 Look at this sh** look at this screen. Being left with a tiny window of actually seeing and enjoying what you got ahead of you, transforms you into a calculator of just .. numbers onto the 90% of the screen. And yes, this is what it takes to most probably win, the control of numbers. Welcome to wow pvp, if you have survived this, and if you had also the gear to win the round. The only fun you will ever get is just the final announcement that "Hey xoxoxo you are ze winnerrrr" >.< f pvp man srsly

  5. i think u guys shoulda mentioned the addon nameplate cooldowns in here or a similar addon, personally i think it is the best pvp addon ever invented lol especially for shadowlands
    because it gives u the information that half of these other addons put in ur peripherals but its literally on the enemies nameplate so u dont even need to look away from the fight for a second to gather useful information, its right there immediately available at all times, it even shows the duration of active offensive/defensive cd's like bigdebuffs but i would argue it does it in an even more useful way
    "edit" literally 5 seconds after typing this comment i got to the part where u mentioned nameplatecooldowns LOL but its not in any of the clips which is why i brought it up, super op addon cannot be understated

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