shorts Die 3 Schritte zum MASTER Air Roll | ROCKET LEAGUE Tritt unserem Discord bei!
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shorts Die 3 Schritte zum MASTER Air Roll | ROCKET LEAGUE Tritt unserem Discord bei!
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first lol
Didn't even think about doing this, good info
As a dia 1-3 I see this information as helpfull
Thanks bro very helpful
I don’t even know what action to set to what button lol
I never saw anyone talk about this method. Now that i have learned air roll, its everywhere.
Thanks so much!!!! I have never thought about it this way and I will try to incorporate this into my freeplay warmup. Tysm Spookluke!!!!! I appreciate it!!!!!
lower your upload volume please
Why didn’t I know this sooner
omg he turned my question into a short
That's actually great advice. I learned the hard way, just used air roll until I got it in a rings map after learning basic controls. It took much longer and I can imagine practicing this first would have helped alot. I might still do it just to practice and fix bad habits.
That last line was the most relatable thing I've heard in a while🤣😭
Heart pls
I agree to a certain degree (bars). I jumped straight into right air roll and I’m doing I’d say perfectly fine for my rank. I’ve incorporated using air roll keybind to set myself up for being upside down or sideways. Seems easier to me than learning every direction
I already have this mastered lol
Tbh I just learned this overtime in gold
My question is is what ariel speed do you have
I can air roll pretty well id say but im still not to good at sideways flying so i could definitely improve there
I learned by just rolling over and over again lol
How does continuous rolling in the air help as opposed to just flying straight to where you're headed?
Now what if I'm good at tornado rolls, but bad at the LESS common air roll mechanics?
That honestly helps.
I don't think that's true. I have more trouble aerialing in one orientation than I have with using air roll constantly in a rings map, for example
I can triple flip reset and use spins perfectly but I can’t fly sideways😂
I learned by learning how to use one input at a time to fly around. i.e air roll left and down on the stick. I would just fly around using that input then moving on to the next. i.e air roll left and up on the stick. That taught me how each input moved my car in each position one at a time
Damn I'm skilled to know air roll.
Idk i just learnt it by holding it down and trying to fly through air roll maps, worked well enough for me
When you spin on an aerial should I use directional or normal(stick) air roll
Sometimes I forget I’m gc and I think isn’t this common knowledge and then I remember ppl are new to this game and aren’t very good
I have learnt it in a strange way I am able to aerial forward and both sided, though I am unable to Aerial backwards
I teach it the same way. It's crucial to build up the basics. But once they start continuously airrolling, I let them yeet it. Scientifically it's helpful to have them mess up over and over again