Von Lethamyr

31 Gedanken zu „IMAGINE BALLCHASING THIS HARD IN DIAMOND | Road to Supersonic Legend #21“
  1. Leth, I’m so glad that you have this confidence in me, this unwavering belief that I can carry any game by myself. Just by saying that, I know in my heart that you’re the guy who lies to people to make them feel better. Alas, a lie is a lie and I suck at rocket league.

  2. watching you play has definetly helped me improve on my ball challenges , i was clueless for a while. I had my decline in game proficency after hitting plat 1 , keep the vids coming 😉 great work

  3. i talk just like you( with more anger some times) in my streams and i am diamond 3/champ. current season more so dia 3. i have so much of the know how but can't get decent teammates in diamond

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