Von SpookLuke

39 Gedanken zu „Why 90% Get HARD STUCK Champ | ROCKET LEAGUE“
  1. this is good for not even champs, but for diamonds and even champs as well, im starting to try and get my mechs + aerial/car/ball control better so im losing a bit of game sense, this helps me recover alot of that.

  2. This video ain't for me cuz I'm still a diamond but, let me tell you something the vast majority of teammates i got has no sense of team play 💀 so i think you should add also they, "remember you got a teammate" for the solo playing people

  3. Had a few mind-bending games last night where the other team was hitting beautiful flip resets and then absolutely made the worst defensive decisions and let us walk the ball in… I've never understood how people can spend 100+ hours on mechanics when it takes 1/50th of the time to learn how to defend them (I mean obviously do both but might as well learn how to defend against the easy stuff before picking up the crazy stuff)

  4. I texted Luke before my friend on discord but he didn’t respond to me he responded to my friend. Luke has a lot of people texting though so I won’t blame him

  5. Main point I think loads of people do is the last one. Either go or rotate to the good position. Hesitation is one of the few things lower ranks do that you never see pros do which is one reason why they are so good

  6. I got to gc just wit my mechanics, don’t let him lie to you, just focus the good ones air dribbles, great flicks, and just good ball control here’s what I like to say, if they can’t touch the ball they cannot score! Chow!

  7. I'm really losing interest in this game, the ranks are all messed up, everyone is so toxic, the rankings put me so far out of my deserved rank that I just get demolished to where I can't even touch the ball. Then I get a lot of grief from people for not being any good. I didn't think anything could ruin this game for me, it's sad cause I used to really love it.

  8. Keep in mind that most of Luke's tips only apply to you if you want to reach GC. NOT ANYTHING ABOVE THAT. If you want to reach GC3/SSL some day for example, you need to be putting a ton of hours into mechanics aswell. Luke's content focuses on getting ppl to GC, not to any rank above that

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