14 Gedanken zu „My First Time! | Peachy Moat World – Part 2“
  1. The part that you mention the catchers mitt theory was great. I've always tried to put words to that thought that I had about creators vs players. The ease of movement from the creator versus the players ease of movement. Its similar with musicians.

  2. Not trying to be the type of person that points out negative things, but three dislikes ALREADY? My only question is.. why the hell? Friggin' shame on you all.

    On a positive, and most important, note: This romhack is pretty great and Mitch is delightful as always. Wewwwww!

  3. I love this hack! The overworld map pulled me in and made me want to explore. That last level felt to me like it harkens back to original NES Battletoads, which I just last week happened to watch TMR do a no-hit run on. The music and the level setup had the feel of the water pipe level in BT. That is a very technical level. Definitely a new feel for a Switch palace. I know it's weird, but that's why it's cool. hope you re-try this one!

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