8 Gedanken zu „THE CAPTAIN! (ft.Nevernamed) – Let's Play Mega Modded Enter the Gungeon Mod – Part 96“
  1. To be honest I think the best way to balance the jungle is to make the unlock for the belly? (I forgot the name off the top of my head) easier so like the room is always unlocked and maybe it sits as your last health spot rather than the first armor slot so you can protect it easier and go to the second secret floor easier. I always found it annoying that the shield can be behind a locked door in regular gungeon lol.

  2. Just from the last conversation you had with nevernamed a good excuse to play more cities skyline would be creating a small series on the second channel where you and Nevernamed design a city together (I expect it to be a city from hell because design by committee is always fun lol)

    edit I did make it that far in the video but not calling either of you those things lol

  3. if you add a gun to any subshop pool before initializing it (which gives it a proper id) it doesn't "default" to the peashooter it just uses the id it already has. which in the case for guns made using mtg's gun setup is peashooters id because they are cloned from the peashooter. this is also the reason why some modded guns use peashooters muzzleflash unless the creator manually changes it to a different muzzleflash

  4. 3:26 out of order 🙁 what kind of heresy is that!? my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is utterly ruined! when i heard the news i literally died (using magic to type this comment from beyond the grave *WoOoOh spOoOky*) now i want to die again writing this majestic manifesto complaining about it! but since ghosts can't type (since we lack a comporeal form) how can i google the questions like how ghosts delete themselves? and how the hell am i'm writing this comment?? and most importantly who am i? all because of YOU turtle i'm confused sexually and mentally!!

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