21 Gedanken zu „MAKING GREED MODE FUN?? – Modded Binding of Isaac Repentance – Part 8“
  1. Day 7 of of New Modded Item Ideas:

    Item: Canadian Action Figures
    Type: Familiar
    Quality: -1
    Flavor Text: Shenanigans!
    Effect: Summons two crass dolls who walk around the room and fart at each other and laugh. Their farts do not deal damage, but they can push enemies, bullets, bombs, beams, and even the player.

    Item Pool: Item Room, Crane Game, Golden Chest, Key Master, Shop, Devil Deal

  2. "That joyful item seemed just bad"

    Its, literally, a x2 damage up in greed mode, since you never leave the battle room. And even if you do, the down side of x0.85 damage up goes away by just goin in and out of the shop

  3. So in greed mode if your earlier enough I think Mom's Key is an always take if you have enough money after buying any dmg related items. Mainly because it comes with 2 keys so it drops the price basically from 15 cents to 5 cents cause those 2 keys you eventually end up buying to open treasure rooms would have cost 10 cents anyways (or 6 if both are on sale but hey). And with mom's key you get ridiculous amount of items I dont want to say guarenteed but a high likely hood of atleast a key or a bomb back from each chest opened (including regular chests). Though its not like the Azazel run needed help it was already fairly powerful but the moms key I know alot of people sleep on but is a super useful item

  4. For a potential question of the day: What is one common food you have never tried? It may seem like a simple question but I recently encountered someone who has never tried most of the basic fruits like strawberries and peaches. Like the guy has tried them in candy form or artificial form but not the actual fruit which blew me away. Like I can kinda understand not trying a peach since depending on where your from they can be kinda rarer but from the area he grew up in he definetly had access to strawberries and grapes but yeah has never ever tried them "raw" it boggled my mind.

  5. I wonder if that bone saw item had a special interaction with the greed boss considering he is just a big shop keeper. I doubt it because that would make the item fairly powerful but it might have a little easter egg or something.

  6. QOTD: non of them since games these days are greedy, poorly made or just a scam to purchase if something catches my eye i'll buy it but i won't even open the purse strings till i see the game from a lets player play it.

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