Von Lethamyr

35 Gedanken zu „WHAT HAS RANKED BECOME? End of Season 9 Rocket League“
  1. I noticed the quality drops every 3-4 seconds consistently. Is that YouTube's terrible compression at play or is it how the video was rendered? I know it struggles with RL in general, but it's weird it's that consistent. Watching this through Chromecast, that could also be the reason, haven't tried it out on a computer screen.

  2. is there a reason why rocket league youtubers and pros just dont talk to each other as they play its like playing a game with your friends but not talking to them i dont get it?

  3. I can just say that the community ha become really toxic and the mates aren't able to do simple things like passing and rotation so it's impossible to rank up. I'm losing the love I had for this game in cause of that

  4. What you did at the start of the video, another team done the same with me once lmao! They were just like hey! join in lmao! So we did… now and then we scored a goal or two just to win but they just insisted join in! lmao!

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