31 Gedanken zu „Mysticall | Mistweaver does SO MUCH DAMAGE! – 10.0 Dragonflight Mistweaver Monk PvP“
  1. Hi thanks for the video, nice to see op Faeline getting some attention:

    Some notes on healing maths: sck beats blackout kick in damage and healing on 5 targets or above OUTSIDE chiji

    Inside chiji using blackout kick over sck inside the Faeline always wins on healing. Main reason to sck would be if the target is somehow out of range for the blackout kick but will be in range for the sck. Which is very rare

    (Mainly mentioning this because U were spinning so much for no reason)

    Also keep in mind U don't have to ef anymore because Faeline distributes the same hot.

    Yours truly

    A PvE mistweaver xD we

  2. I've been subbed to your normal HPS videos for ultra healing and been watching Mmarkers for his FW guide. Glad you're pwning some FW! I look forward to your guide! I like having both styles of healing depending on my content.

  3. I know it doesn't actually matter, and its probably too habitual for you at this point. But its Fae-Line stomp, not Fae-lean. Like the line of Fae energy you leave behind. Or like a Leyline, but Fae.

  4. I played today both, MW fistweaver and against one. I gotta say both is not fun. As long as someone stands in your FS, you feel like playing PvE vs a dummy, the moment he runs out you are already just a half fistweaver. At the same time it feels like dampening is not applying properly.
    If DH had a healing spec, this would be it.

  5. Yo dude, love the vids, I would love an updated gear list if possible, maybe what conquest pieces you’re going to look for in the vault, or if you’re looking to upgrade any drakebreaker etc.
    also, it’s still Vers/Mas, then haste? Thanks!

  6. The drawn out wheeze kind of vibe at 3:25 was hilarious!!! 😂 this looks mad fun dude I think I’m gonna roll a mist monk while the fist weaving is rockin!!! I love my hunter but I always took pride playing a healer cause vast minority of people want to play healer

  7. Hey man, great guide, just wondering is fae stomp that good to take the upgrades in 2v ? is not just better Rising Mist? and do you know if going 1h or 2h makes any difference in our dmge? I can take 1h+off but i dont know if i should wait for my 2h staff

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