36 Gedanken zu „Dieses PHEROMOSA-Team ist VERFLUCHT! | Pokemon Schwert und Schild VGC 2022 Showdown Live“
  1. oh shit, I've been running phera + caly ice. it does surprisingly well. I paired it with a min speed groudon to help the zacian matchup. dusclops, incin, and gastrodon in the back for consistency. one of my favorites

  2. My fav set is sashed support mosa with max attack and max speed plus nature to outspeed everything but Eleki. Coaching, icy wind, throat chop and HJK. Partner it with Zacian lead, it let’s you beat opposing Caly-shadow and destroy Incines. If you opponent plays too defensive, you get a fast coaching off on the Zacian

  3. my favourite ultra beast is celesteela. i spent about 6 months shiny hunting one, and i love using it either as a super offensive or defensive set, although recently i’ve been using it for max airstream with meteor beam to pick up KOs and to help my other ‘mons.

  4. QOTD: Pheromosa is my favorite Pheromosa. But my favorite Ultra Beast is Stakataka. Even though I'm a big fan of bug-type Pokémon generally, Pheromosa and Buzzwole just aren't as much fun to *say*.

    Stakataka. Stakatakatakatakatakatakataka.

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