Von SpookLuke

37 Gedanken zu „How To Double Touch In 3 Steps | Rocket League Double Tap Tutorial“
  1. Does this apply to all cars equally? I know they are all pretty much interchangable, and I am little more than a beginner, skill-wise, and may thus be totally wrong in this regard, but it feels a tad bit harder to pull such a manouver off in a Dominus, especially setting it up, and flip-touching it correctly, and I imagine it would be even harder with a BatmobiIe. I should probably stick to level appropriate tutorials for the time being, but I love seeing all the future possibilities. Thanks for the nice video!

  2. Future video idea – I've always wanted to see skilled YTers break down a move ( an air dribble, double tap, dribble to flick, etc) in slo-mo and really break down the move into sections of "here's what I need to do now and here's how I execute at this point of the move, which commands I'm entering and for how long, etc "

    I think that slowed down analysis could really help some of us stop flailing around out there 😄

  3. Hey spookluke Ik you have training site but dude I have truffles so bad on air controls I have moments but I am struggling so hard to air roll and redirect my car to where it needs to be I’ve seen all your videos I’ve taken note but I’m still struggling anyway u can help!!👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

  4. Why do all these videos tell you what to do but not actually how to do it?? Is their an actual good video for Rocket league for players who suck like me? Please recommend something on how to actually get into the air dribbling and stuff. How to air roll. That good stuff

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