Von Shawk

36 Gedanken zu „Reaktion auf den AIM GOD von Rainbow Six Siege …“
  1. I recently started making videos and right now I’m uploading short clips on R6 although I plan to do longer videos in the future. I would appreciate if you gave my channel a visit and even if you don’t like it a still appreciate it👍🏼👍🏼

  2. I still cant look at Pengu the same after that bitch made move. He was top dog at the time and got slammed so he accused him of aimbot to officials. Then they couldn't find shit on his pc except what showed as a possible macro for his utility button based on input. Gets banned despite tons of pros showing that the code shows that input like that for most of them too. Comes back and is still an absolute beast.

  3. I got some insight from Braction on how Shaiiko's sens works. The reason his sens is super slow is because it gives him little to no room to potato. Moving his mouse barely does anything while ADS'd which makes him stay on target almost all the time. If you notice, the way he flicks to targets is by un-ads'ing then re-ads'ing because his hipfire sens is moderate-moderately fast. But because his sens is so fast, Shaiiko doesn't use most guns because it gets rlly hard to ctrl. That's why you see him play ops like Iana, Melusi etc, because they have low recoil guns. So Shaiiko only does shorter sprays because 1) his aim is so fucking good that he doesn't need much ammo and 2) his sens is too slow for him to control a lot of bullets which is why we see him stop shooting numerous times or he just tap fires.

  4. He used to be so good that he got accused for cheating, those one taps back on 2017 bro i used to rewatch his clips 5 times to understand how did he get those kills , but now he’s just a normal champ player not something soo special as he used to be

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