48 Gedanken zu „Will Warcraft Classic Kill Private Servers?“
  1. I dont care about their "classic. Why? 1. They doin it only for money and to get more subscribers. 2. I dont like Vanilla 3. I prefer slower progression.(for example WOTLK. I want to progress Naxx, OS, Ey of Eternity, Ulduar. I dont want to jump after year into ICC farm. You get this feelin only on private servers) 4. We are gettin better servers, devs will really try to make their servers better becouse of this annoucment. (sry for my bad english)

  2. do you think they will add instant 60 payable option (vanilla was famous for alot of things but never the leveling wich was dreadfull) also since they added the option to buy gold ingame will that be an option aswell you think cause people are gonna do it anywayand i'm guessing blizz rather sees the money going to them then to the chinese if figure?

  3. Hahaha, Legion players might love vanilla? Are you serious? Legion players play Legion because they like that game and slow pace of game like vanilla will just bore them to death. Sure, there will be some but that is minor number. Players that don't like what is WoW now have left the game long time ago.

    Also, it is true that many play BC or Wrath private servers but if Classic is success Blizzard could open servers for other expansions.

    Private servers have always existed and will exist even then but it will be with far less players. If Blizzard delivers true classic servers for each expansion. They say they will and we shell see.

  4. What about Blizzard releasing a private server .exe on license , many old games where run like this for years . that way Blizzard get a steady income again and private servers stay private without bugs . win win.

  5. Completely agree with you. And lots people seem to assume that "Classic" would be a progressive version, i.e. it would advance into BC and WotLK at some point. I hihgly doubt that, since where they would be drawing the line then? Will they release Cata, Mist and WoD too? Or do they class those expansion "not good enough", essentially saying that their own work got worse at some point? It would essentially mean running two SAME games, one just lagging behind in years. Not to mention the fact that ppl who were promised a vanilla experience would just leave again then.

    Oh! A bit off topic, but what is your ending music and can I find it somewhere?

  6. I hope wow classic will be used as a template for future expansions for tweaking zone questing. The new 7.3.5 on ptr increased mobs health by more than double and scales to the player's level with certain limitations. Old azeroth will scale up to 60 while outland and northrend will scale together 60 to 80, cata zones and pandaria will be 80 to 90. However, mob's damage needs to increase too, but its still in ptr so i hope it will be good when released.

  7. I don't care. But what it definitely will kill are the vanilla virgin fanboys that believe are superior to the rest, because they played a version of the game that was focused on leveling and not high end content and how tough they are. Normal Vanilla players like me and others will probably enjoy the classic servers, specially for the nostalgia, but more because those cunts will disappear because everyone who wants it, can experience the shit show vanilla was.

  8. I doubt Blizzard would need a full development team on vanilla wow once it reaches the final patch. Which is where I believe TBC classic could be announced. Of course this would be for years. years I don't have.

  9. Point 1: You can pay in-game gold for a sub in Legion. All you need is the initial cost of activating an account. I spent 1-2 hours farming gold at the end of every month to get the money to pay for my sub.

  10. It's not a hard concept to understand. Classic: Burning Crusade is that expansion as level cap. It takes little effort to explain. If a player can't grasp that simple concept WoW might not be for them. Sounds like the same people who can't even be bother to learn their fucking class

  11. without watching the video i can already say "no, classic wow will not kill private servers"…

    reasoning why: private servers allow you to do things on them that being on an official server you can't do… to the extreme as an example i'll point out the Ascension Project.. private server that provides classless gameplay and the pvp is open (can kill anyone no matter the faction) and allows to loot players bodies… with private servers allowing you to change aspects of the game, they won't die out from classic.

    now, even with private servers that don't change anything, players already have characters they invested time into on them so they'll be reluctant to have to start over. some people would switch over so they can play on an "official" server, but not everyone will… so unless blizz closes private servers down they will still exist after classic launches.

  12. Hey Dodgy you should make a video on the early WoW Private server scene — after WoW actually launched that is. Perhaps you could highlight on wowscape and what exactly the heck was going on there.

  13. bout a few years out but I'd avoid atlantiss only because the staff at the very top are very passive aggressive. While the scripting from their TBC server was pretty good, the way the staff behaved towards people and their entire appeal system and how it worked was a turn off. Especially when the people you have to appeal to are the very same that can pass on a mute or a ban, instead of being a 3rd party un-involved with the situation.

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