21 Gedanken zu „The 6 BIGGEST MYTHS in WotLK Classic“
  1. Classic is lucky to have Zierhut back on the wow dev team. He was there for tbc/wrath and onward until WoD, and was in charge of balance in wrath back in the day (largely responsible for the final patch balance). So even if DKs are overpowered, he did state he is looking at the class performance for arenas and will adjust accordingly. PvP gear in ulduar phase will also be adjusted due to their buffs to the ilvl raid gear, so the comps after this are likely to change as well (but they didnt say how they will adjust the pvp gear).

  2. Yeah, stack haste and tell me a gargoyle isn't busted or that desecration is balanced. DK's aren't busted, sure, but the ele shaman that has to cast to do damage is busted. Mk.

    And you don't need PvE gear? So all the arms warriors missing armor pen are just fine in full PvP gear? Yeah, ok.

    75% of this video sounds like it was written by someone with an amateurish understanding of the game.

  3. MoP was my fav.
    And then specifically Feral Druids in WoD when they had the Thunder Cat form and could cast spells in cat form as Feral while doing some of the highest damage in the game with stuns.
    Feral in WoD was the most op spec I think ever existed.

  4. Biggest Myth is warriors arent going to pump in P1. Cannot wait to show people what arms can do. Also all tanks are great in WOTLK, now for PVP feral is meh but Blood can easily hard counter any melee comps in 2's.

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