Von makho

36 Gedanken zu „Erstellen eines batterielosen Speicherns (FRAM) MBC3 Flash Cart mit RTC (noch ein weiterer)“
  1. I know I’ve left like, 3 comments now but, I was wondering if so could make a request and that would be: could you do a tutorial on how to make a proper LSDJ cart? I’m having a hard time finding much on it shockingly. Maybe I’m just not searching hard enough

  2. Hey makho, thank you so much for all the contents you're releasing. I really appreciate that you give us tips while doing your mods and this is really important for a noob like me. I was looking forward to buy an economic soldering station (I found this one by Preciva for 37€) in order to replace the soldering iron I already have which is working quite ok but it's about to die at any moment I guess and it's kinda normal since I've bought it for 5€ and it doesn't have any temperature control at all. The only thing that I'm wondering is: which temperature should I set to do my things on a gba motherboard or on an average pcb? If I have to desolder something, should I set an higher temperature than the one I normal use to solder components or wires on the pcb? I'm quite sure that are differences between the soldering stations, the stuff you've got to do and of course also for the operator's own experience but I just wanted an idea. What do you recommend? Thank you really much ❤️

  3. I was looking through parts and it would end up being pretty pricy for me at the moment to even build one of these. Since I don't even have a flasher, soldering iron etc. How much would you charge to make one of these for someone?

  4. Made one of these just now and wrote Pokémon Prism to it with my GBxCart RW. However, I've found that it doesn't seem to be able to make a savegame, restarting just yields the New Game option only, even using soft restarts.. Currently burning plain Crystal to it to test if that works, but could there be any other cause of this issue? The FRAM chip is brand new, as is everything else but the MBC3A chip, of course.

    EDIT: Just flashed Crystal to it. GBxCart RW seems to be able to write the game's save I've made in VBA just fine, but it doesn't work because the game doesn't see it at all, and re-saving ingame doesn't produce a loadable game either. Oddly, saving ingame and then saving again does give me a warning of overwriting an existing save..

    Oh, and the chips I got for U3 don't have any clear markings on them, there are several dots and stripes and I'm not sure which pin was pin 1.. Do you have a macro image of the chip so I can maybe compare it to the ones I have?

    EDIT2: If I write a save file to the cartridge using the RW, then read the save back to a file, the save still works in VBA. That pretty much proves the integrity of the FRAM chip, doesn't it?
    What could cause the game itself to not be able to save at all? I'm really lost at this point!

  5. We this, can you remove the chips from an original copy of Pokémon Gold, transfer to this new PCB and therefore making a non deletable savefile after the battery runs out?

  6. This reminded me of a louis rossmann video.

    On a serious note though, I have little to no experience so I could be completely wrong on this but would it help to avoid bridges if you tinned the pads first then placed the chip and used the heat gun to drop it into place?

  7. would i be able to program a game onto this using a "generic" cart flasher? I bout a cart flasher from J Rodgrigo that i can plug into my PC via USB. could I use that to put roms on this type of flash cart?

  8. Hey, so I realise this is a long shot, but i was wondering if you had a spare PCB you could possible send me? I have the parts ready to make one of these, but I still need a PCB. I could spend £20 and get 10 made at JLCPCB, but I have no idea if it will even work. Worth asking I guess, worst you can say is no 🙂

  9. Building my first batch of these in a few days, not sure about flashers though, I have the insideGadgets GBxCart 1.3a, will this suffice or should I invest in something else to flash these?

  10. My friend! How can I get one of these flashs? Let me explain… I have a Pokemon Gold JPN version, but I want to make it "flashable". I have only to replace the ROM flash right? Where can I get this component?

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