shorts Die Nr. 1 der Mechanik-PROS spricht nicht über … ROCKET LEAGUE DM Me „COACH“ Auf Discord: …
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shorts Die Nr. 1 der Mechanik-PROS spricht nicht über … ROCKET LEAGUE DM Me „COACH“ Auf Discord: …
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Nice tip, I've been using it already and I can confirm it helps a lot
They have more hours.
I like men
Good point power slide is under appreciated.
He asked how they spin so smoothly what does powerslide have to do with that didn’t even answer the question
How is power sliding related to the question of spinning smoothly?
I hate whenever any youtuber says look at my controller overlay. That the average viewer still dont know which key is powerslide in his bindings.
Spook I’m rank plat I’ve been doing that😂😂
Excuse me, you didn't answer the question. He asked how you SPIN smoothly, not land.
Not to be that guy but that not what he meant he means how do pros make their air look so different to regular players and not to hurt your feelings but he wasn't exactly talking about low ssl he means really mechanical players
Ik this sounds really mean but I just think that's wat the guy meant not powerslide…
This is the dude that made a video claiming to get a new player to GC in a few weeks, or something along those lines? And then it turned out to be BS? Just making sure.
More more more
Nice now I can show my m8s why I am with low boost over the whole game as fast as they're with overfilled boost, too why I got a faster movement then them
Why won't you add me on discord. I'm really good.
Power slide? Wouldn't it be considered aerial velocitical drifting?
I like how he just didn’t answer his question. How are the pros so smooth any tips for Ariel control? USE DRIFT
Ok… but what does that have to do with SPINNING?
Can you do a video on meta controller layouts that high level players use and why it's better than using the default?
I may not be a top rocket league player but I’m gonna teach you something about teaching. TELL US WHY, you say “look how much I’m powersliding, it makes you smoother, it’s important” and me and other rocket league noobs go “what does it do” your lesson is like telling us to randomly power slide or just power slide when we land we don’t know what to do after or during the power slide to play better
How are pro players so smooth? Let me (not anywhere near pro level) tell you.
now that rsg disbanded and carpe has been gone for a while i see you around on yt so much more 😂😂 btw it’s fantasy but carpe is back up if you see this throw me a message on steam
Look at my overlay
Kbm intenifies
How do I air roll smooth?
-talks about powersliding
I'll fill you in so you don't have to listen to this obnoxious scammer.
Powerslide recovery helps. As does just playing a lot. That is all.
Fuck SpookLuke.
Well tbf his question can't be answered. It is something no one can explain because our fingers do it without realizing it.
I don't even know what is power slide 🌚
Funny there is a direct link to power slide % pg and rank
Thats one thing I've learned in GC2, the game gets way more fun when you powerslide on your landings
I’m sorry but how do u half flip
How do u rank up from plat to diamond and if you can please give me a free coaching session.
What is that decal
See, me though, I hold drift too long thinkin the other teams just gonna be oh whoa dude sick
but what is ur power slide button
Let's be honest
He doesn't answer any questions he's asked
Literally all the pros talk about this lmao wym
What ur setting pls tell me
I need to know ur binds
Isn't this kid a champ?
Me who's SSL and only power slide cuts
Couldnt agree more!
He didn’t answer the question at all
how to air roll smoothly:
Powerslide is dribble cheat
im a C1 who has recently started using power slide in just about every instance i can. the difference is noticeable like night and day in my play style. (not saying im good but wow it helps!)
But like… you gonna answer the question?
I roll in the air chaotically and idk what I'm doing but I look like a pro xD