Von Huzzah

41 Gedanken zu „WoW Classic – Rare Mob Locations + UNIQUE LOOT – Thousand Needles“
  1. I don't know what it exactly was, but there was something about Thousand Needles that made it my favorite zone back in Vanilla. Maybe it was the unique and interesting landscape that promoted a sense of wonder, or maybe the feeling of carving a new home for the Horde in the harsh landscapes of Kalimdor, or it might have even been that the quests were fun and flavorful especially at the Mirage Raceway. Regardless, the Cata revamp for the zone is perhaps the only one I can unambiguously call a downgrade.

  2. If I made wow, every mob would have an better move set that other npcs.
    Each rare would have story behind it, would be a challenge and drop unique loot.
    Makes me mad that I can't learn to make game but creativity I think I'd do really well.

  3. I love these videos but I wish you'd ditch the short intro to every rare mob. I mean the way you first have a map display with the name written and said out loud. After that you show the mob with its name plate (again), show the map (again) and begin every segment announcing 'up next we have mob X' (again). It's a video that can be rewound. No need for repetition!

  4. I don't know what or why that is, but I've never played any other MMORPG that captivates me like World of Warcraft. I could sit there today and listen to the music, watch the landscape, just as much as I did in Vanilla, so many years ago. There is just nothing like it. The only other game that comes close, personally, is Age of Conan, but because Funcom is a terrible developer and publisher, AoC died long ago while WoW still thrives. Oh and there's Ragnarok Online, but that's mostly nostalgia since it was my first MMO.

    I can't wait to get back into WoW when the classic servers are live.

  5. Never knew about Ironeye, will definitely be paying him a visit as I level on classic, my future warrior will appreciate the sword, and my other characters will appreciate the boost in their level 40 mount funds.

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