Von BeatEmUps

27 Gedanken zu „The Game Awards don't make ANY sense…“
  1. Ragnarok is GOTY for me 10,000%.
    And that is because it uses the medium of a video game to tell a story that is so emotional and brilliant and grand.
    Videogames are a medium to tell stories and something to play and use.
    Elden Ring perfected the use and play aspect but God of War perfected the story aspect.

    Ragnarok is basically 15 movies in one package, no other medium can have you be this engaged and active in a 40+ hour long story. I laughed, I cried, I screamed, I fell silent all because of this game.
    Elden Ring is interesting from a design aspect, but I think it really misses story telling.

    If Ragnaroks writing and Elden Rings attention to detail gameplay came together, it would be game of the decade.
    but as someone who vastly respects story writing over gameplay management I have to say Ragnarok sweeps Elden Ring in my opinion.
    It also has the best music out of anything this year, hands down.

  2. Since you just listened to the music you should have checked out Metal Hellsinger and realized its the best of the best especially since so many retired bands were brought back together to make music SPECIFICALLY for that game.

  3. I honestly think Stray should be the Game of the Year. Not because it was the best but because of how many people it appealed to. I've seen everyone from adults to children playing the game and getting invested.

  4. God of war wins game of the year easily. Elden ring is god, but it’s nothing special. It’s just dark souls but easier. The narrative for Elden is also very weak, and to say god of war has no exploration is just not true. I platinum the game, and it has so many side quests and places to explore to get materials and other things. I will never understand the hype for Elden Ring. It’s not even a top 5 game this year honestly. Elden Ring will probably win, but it definitely doesn’t deserve it. God of War has the best narrative, character design, audio, and pretty much everything.

  5. Hellooo ! So I just disagree with Kirby And The Forgotten Lands not being a family game.
    I’m in my 1st in university and only got home during weekend.
    And my favorite thing to do during weekends is to play a bunch of games with my little bros, as their big sis, I show them the beautiful world of coop games such as Mario kart, Mario party and even Cuphead !

    And my youngest bro got Kirby and the forgotten lands, he waited for the end of the week to play it with me (my little angel 😊).
    And we’ve played the entirety of the game in couch coop ! It was an absolute blast to play with my little bro, and I do think it is the best family game of this year ❤

    By the way, I love your videos, and the ad in this video was really good 😁

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