25 Gedanken zu „Do YOU Know How To OUTPLAY? (Skill Test) – WoW PvP Guide For ALL Classes!“
  1. @10,02 im not sure the right answer is "sheeping SP". So far death word permits him to avoid the sheep and earns enough time. Sheeping war out of chastize and Cming the SP might be better right ? If this way of thought is wrong, im interested about knowing why 🙂 ! Great work love it ! Keep it up

  2. The sp/war/sham example is weird cause the priest shutdown the setup which is fine but then he doesn't have any cc for atleast 45 sec.
    So basically they can't kill anything during their own go.

    Idk Imo you should do that only when your team is about to die (no more CD or trinket etc…) otherwise you put yourself behind anyway

  3. Technically all this information is exactly what I'd need to improve my play. I really need to become aware of all those incicators in real time. But, to be honest. I'm starting to think arena may be too complicated and too fast for me. I can't even tell an outplay is being done when watching match videos. To me these situations seem like chess scenarios you should have 5 minutes each to analyze =) I guess we'll give arena one more try next season, but I think the required level of awareness is physically possible only to a very minute fraction of the entire human population. I don't suppose anyone could prepare that "library" into an easy to read document for dummies =P

  4. im 1600 and even i know pally hoj because he bubbled and is trying to stop md. all started with chastise fear chain and pally was trying to instant bubble the fear thinking the fear is coming to watse his dr. tell me something i dont know plz

  5. That outplay from whazz was amazing, but it also shows how many tools a rogue can use against a warrior and how powerless a warrior can feel.
    Even the best warrior couldn't do shit

  6. Good tip people like me tend can't for life of them depist outclass certain class/spec need understand how counter them make said class said spec tend more hand learner get idea at basic level random bg can at least from there learn counter them. Sometimes good way counter class play it understand basic level go from there

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